FAQ - Symmetric
Early Bird Offer: Save €200 on Feb & March 2025 courses with code 200EBOA4. Register by Nov 30, 2024.


    Frequently Asked Questions

    Question: Will there be a face-to-face public event?
    Answer: Yes, if registered delegates will be able to travel and the safety measures in place at the time will allow this. You will be informed in due course, but no later than one month before the event.

    Question: What if there will be a travel ban and I cannot attend?
    Answer: In this case you may transfer to the online training and we will refund the difference in the training fee.

    Question: When will the online training take place?
    Answer: The online training will take place on the regular scheduled dates for the training.

    Question: Can I transfer to the online training later?
    Answer: Yes, you may transfer to the online training up to one month before the scheduled dates. The difference in the training fee will be refunded. *

    Question: Can I transfer to the face-to-face public training later?
    Answer: Yes, you may transfer to the face-to-face public training up to one month before the scheduled dates. The difference in the training fee will apply.

    Question: What if the face-to-face course will not take place?
    Answer: In this case the online training will still happen on the scheduled dates. The training fee difference will be refunded.

    Question: Can I transfer my registration to a colleague?
    Answer: Yes, you can transfer the registration to a colleague at any time.

    Question: Can I transfer my registration to a different Symmetric event?
    Answer: Yes, you may transfer your registration to a different event up to one month before the scheduled dates, provided the training fee has been paid in full.

    Question: What are the technical requirements to attend the online training?
    Answer: PC, microphone, camera, stable internet connection and the Zoom application.

    Question: Will the Online Training allow for live interaction?
    Answer: Yes, we will make every effort to ensure best possible interaction. You will see the slides, interact with the trainer and fellow participants. Questions and group exercises will be facilitated through the online meeting platform.

    Question: How will I receive the training materials?
    Answer: Face-to-face delegates will receive both printed and digital materials. Online training delegates will receive all the materials in digital format (.pdf) only.

    Do you have any more questions? Get in touch

    *Applicable to registrations received after 1st of March 2020
